Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Today was my second day at the kindergarten! There are about 50 kids in the kindergarten and three teachers. It is a little bit crazy to say the least. The kids rang from 2-6 years old. I am in charge of seven of the youngest children primarily. They are all around 2  years old. There isn't much structure to the day, so it involves a lot of keeping the kids out of trouble. Today we had  a party to celebrate "El Dia de los Ninos," which was on Sunday. Basically, the party involved eating a lot of candy and dancing to a video of Alvin and the Chipmunks. The kids are absolutely adorable, but I have a hard time understanding them because them mumble and whine. One of them asked me today, "what's with your hair?"

After lunch, Abdon, my host dad, took me on a drive through Cusco! It is truly such a beautiful city. We drove to the highest point in Cusco again and took some pictures. I really can't wait to explore more.

Llamas are a very important animal here in Cusco. It is very common to see them all over the place!

I am taking two hours of Spanish lessons every afternoon at 3:30. My Spanish teacher is amazing and she speaks English too, which is obviously very helpful for explaining things. After my Spanish lesson, I walked around a little bit on my own for the first time. I have been a little worried to walk alone, but everyone keeps saying that it's safe during the day. Honestly, I feel almost safer here than I do in Boston. Sometimes people look at me a little longer than normal in the neighborhood where I am living because it isn't a very touristy area at all, and obviously I have lighter skin and hair then most of the people here. Tomorrow I am going to venture a little further to buy some things I really need!

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